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Volodymyr Matiukha
24.07.2024 · Lives saved
On December 29, 2023, Volodymyr went to work. He worked as a craftsman making door locks.
Our shift starts at seven in the morning. Somewhere around nine o'clock, there was shelling. In the workshop, panes of glass were blown out of the windows, and the ceiling in the building collapsed. We hid in the room according to the rule of two walls.
When everything calmed down, Volodymyr decided that it was better to go to the bomb shelter. However, when there was very little distance left to the shelter, shelling began again.

About a hundred meters to go, then I hear a missile flying. A cruise one! It flies very low. I felt an explosion! Ringing in my ears. I'm getting up. My hand is like a rope, and it feels like someone hit me with a sledgehammer.
Heavy bleeding began; urgent surgery was required. The chances that Volodymyr's hand would remain functional were decreasing every minute.
An ambulance, purchased with donations from UNITED24 donors, arrived at the call. The man was brought to the operating table in the Vascular Surgery Department in time, so the doctors managed to save his arm. Now Volodymyr is performing special exercises to restore the sensation in his fingers.
God willing, I will still work. I am very grateful to all the caring people who donate to help Ukraine!
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