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Alyona Alyona and Probass ∆ Hardi have Presented a New Music Video: "Rozdam Spovna"
30.01.2023 · Partnering
The clip, dedicated to frontline vehicles, was shot at a service station. Its goal is to raise awareness of the C-type ambulance fundraiser , via UNITED24.

Alyona Alyona and Probass ∆ Hardi have presented a new music video: "Rozdam Spovna" (You'll Get Yours).
The clip, dedicated to frontline vehicles, was shot at a service station. Its goal is to raise awareness of the C-type ambulance fundraiser , via UNITED24.
The performers have launched their own fundraiser for an ambulance equipped with a defibrillator, heart monitor, oxygen tanks and an ALV device — everything necessary for life support while transporting the wounded to hospital.
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