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United24 Media

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Posters With a Call for Donations to Support Ukraine can Now be Seen on Highstreets in 9 UK Сities


Posters with a call for donations to support Ukraine can now be seen on highstreets in 9 UK cities, with digital versions also appearing along high traffic routes.

Posters With a Call for Donations to Support Ukraine can Now be Seen on Highstreets in 9 UK Сities
"Come to Ukraine: There's So Much to Do".
Posters with a call for donations to support Ukraine can now be seen on highstreets in 9 UK cities, with digital versions also appearing along high traffic routes. All of this is thanks to — Bountiful Cow, Clear Channel Outdoor and JACK — media companies who've joined the project. Launched by Pablo agency, the project is a collaboration with Ukrainian illustrator, Antonio Firsik.
The posters depict Kyiv, Kharkiv or Mariupol, alongside a QR code that leads to the UNITED24 platform.
We thank our British partners for their support, and invite everyone to come to Ukraine after victory. There really is so much to do.