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NAFO Fleet, Part 2: The Flyin’ Fellas SquaDrone
07.03.2023 · Announcements
NAFO Fellas and UNITED24 launch a new fundraiser for attack drones to help Ukrainian defenders protect and liberate Eastern territories.

It has been two months since the NAFO community successfully raised funds for a Ukrainian Navy drone, to protect our waters from russian warships. Now UNITED24 calls on the Fellas, once again, to aid our army, help our defenders push back enemy troops on the ground, and liberate Ukraine’s territories in the East.
We’re excited to announce a fundraiser for 240 Ukrainian-made FPV (First Person View) attack drones that will join the Flotilla of Drones — 20 for each month of suffering and devastation russian invaders brought to our land.
Small and cheap ($700 per UAV), yet precise and effective, they’re exactly what’s needed for conducting both defensive and counter-offensive military operations, while saving the lives of Ukraine’s defenders. FPVs have already proven their worth in Bakhmut. These bad boys can fly at a distance of up to 8 km, adjust artillery fire, hit military equipment and trenches with surgical strikes, and even pursue moving targets. They’re just what the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine ordered. Literally.
24 dozen new recruits of the Army of Drones can actually make a difference in the bloodiest area of hostilities. The glorious Army of Fellas can, once again, come to Ukraine’s rescue, and help us assemble this air unit – ‘The Flyin’ Fellas’ SquaDrone.
We know that you support such initiatives out of sheer kindness for Ukraine (and out of sheer outrage towards russia). Still, we’ll be raffling off cool prizes among everyone who joins this fundraiser to sweeten the deal: five ‘SOLEDARITY. Ukrainian Strength’ salt packages, signed by the chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, himself. Apart from these, we will also be giving away three limited-edition UNITED24 sweatshirts (yes, the same as the one President Zelenskyy recently wore in Brussels and on other official occasions).
Let’s bonk some trash that should’ve never came to Ukraine.
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