official website of a government organization of Ukraine.

Total collected: $ 0

Total collected: $ 0


Over 45,000 Bracelets 'Azovstal. A Symbol of Perseverance' Were Purchased in Just 2 Days


Over 45,000 bracelets 'Azovstal. A Symbol of Perseverance' were purchased in just 2 days. What an incredible result!

Over 45,000 Bracelets 'Azovstal. A Symbol of Perseverance' Were Purchased in Just 2 Days

Over 45,000 bracelets 'Azovstal. A Symbol of Perseverance' were purchased in just 2 days. What an incredible result!

This means that there are enough funds to buy another 6 naval drones for our fleet.

Today, russian ships fired missiles at our cities again. Help us raise funds for the Fleet of Naval Drones to stop these attacks.
