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UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group has Transferred 28.8 million UAH for Ambulances
UKRSIBBANK, with the support of the bank's shareholder BNP Paribas Group, joined the fundraiser for Medical Aid, donating 28.8 million UAH via UNITED24.

UKRSIBBANK, with the support of the bank's shareholder BNP Paribas Group, joined the fundraiser for Medical Aid, donating 28.8 million UAH via UNITED24.
Fully-equipped C-type ambulances will be purchased with this donation. These are specialized modern resuscitation vehicles equipped with defibrillators, cardiac monitors, oxygen tanks and ALV devices — everything necessary to support life during transportation to hospital.
“The synergy of responsible business, government, and fundraising platforms is the driver of changes supporting the country's medical sector. Every day, our doctors save the lives of thousands of Ukrainians. Emergency medical teams are the first to arrive and do everything to help patients. We have joined the initiative to collect funds for the restoration and medical provision of security facilities to support medicine together, rebuild Ukraine and create a future for every Ukrainian.” — said Yanina Olkhovska, Director of Communications, CSR and Engagement UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group.
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