official website of a government platform of Ukraine.

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More about "Humanitarian demining" direction

12.05.2023 · Announcements

Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economic Development and Trade, highlighted the current demining situation at the UNITED24 Summit.

More about "Humanitarian demining" direction

"174,000 square kilometers of Ukraine’s land is contaminated with mines. Over half of the countries in the world have a smaller area. We have to make these territories safe for life. Otherwise, depopulation and ruin threaten them. And we have to do it immediately, because people are dying every day".

Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economic Development and Trade, highlighted the current demining situation at the UNITED24 Summit. Currently, Ukraine has only 10 demining vehicles and 2,000 sappers. With such capacity, the process could take hundreds of years!

That's why we launched the Humanitarian Demining direction, which raises funds for: 
♦ demining vehicles
♦ armored vehicles for the transportation of explosives
♦ vehicles for the transportation of personnel.

All donations will be transferred to a special NBU account of the National Bank of Ukraine, opened by the Ministry of Economy.

Help to clean our land and return a sense of safety to people.

Ukraine needs direct help. Now. Donate now