Rebuild Ukraine: Iryna's and Ruslan's story
Total collected: $ 0
13.02.2023 · Partnering
We have managed to raise 431,385 UAH, which will be transferred towards ambulances.
The smallest donation was €5, and the largest was €1035. In total, donors made 599 contributions.
9 winners were determined via a randomizer. We will contact each one personally, so don’t forget to check your email. Here are the winning numbers:
2 tickets to an Imagine Dragons concert
• 26163187
2 Have a Rest suitcases:
• 28550320
• 28596125
Balenciaga&UNITED24 T-shirt
• 28373434
5 ‘Azovstal. A Symbol of Perseverance’ bracelets
• 28570598
• 27374507
• 28397088
• 28552692
• 28550228
Thank you to everyone who made a donation!
The fundraiser is on, so you can still donate to the medical aid in Ukraine.