Dmytrushkiv School in Cherkasy Oblast is the first project of our ambassador, actor Mark Strong
01.11.2023 · Announcements
Total collected: $ 0
01.11.2023 · Partnering
UNITED24 Ambassador, Professor Timothy Snyder, launches the Safe Skies fundraiser for a situational alert system to assist Air Defence Forces
The prominent historian and UNITED24 ambassador witnessed the effectiveness of this system during his visit to Ukraine in September 2023.
Safe Skies is an innovative sensor system for detecting air targets that saves lives. These are simple sensors, with no offensive capability. They begin a chain of actions that save civilian lives. Of Ukrainian design, the system can detect targets at very low altitudes, and predict their course for further neutralization. AI technology also allows it to anticipate where the next threats may come from.
Safe Skies proved its effectiveness during tests both against cruise missiles and enemy Shahed 136 UAVs. During tests in 11 regions of Ukraine, it detected 100% of air threats without a single error. For effective protection of Ukraine's territory, 12,500 devices are required. The first goal is to raise funds for 2500 sensors, worth $950,000.
Snyder saw with his own eyes how the Safe Skies system works, when, together with the Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov, he visited the command post of the Defence Forces that provide air defence of Kyiv Oblast.
Snyder learned about the leading developments of situational alert systems, as well as the implementation and development of what is taking place, with the assistance of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. He also watched recordings of enemy attacks on civilian infrastructure and found out about ways to counter them.
"Last year Russia launched targeted mass drone missile strikes against Ukraine's civilian and critical infrastructure with the open intention of denying Ukrainians access to the basic necessities of life. A year ago, I raised funds for an anti-drone system to protect Kyiv, which was much more vulnerable then than it is now. Everyone who contributed then helped to save lives. This year Russia will certainly repeat attacks on civilian infrastructure. We need to be ready for winter, on the scale of the entire country. Working together, we can bring Safe Skies to all of Ukraine and protect both the infrastructure and civilian population of Ukraine from terrorist attacks,"
said Timothy Snyder.
"Safe Skies is a brand new Ukrainian product, a military start-up. In fact, it has already been implemented in the system of situational awareness of the Defence Forces. Still, just like any other start-up, it needs support. That is why we are very grateful to UNITED24 ambassador, Professor Timothy Snyder, for his willingness to launch this fundraiser. Mr. Snyder already has successful experience raising funds for the protection of the Ukrainian sky. We believe that this project will become no less successful,"
says Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science and Technology - Minister of Digital Transformation.
01.11.2023 · Announcements