official website of a government organization of Ukraine.

Total collected: $ 0

Total collected: $ 0


More About Our Donors, Who Support UNITED24 Operations

03.03.2023 · Partnering

It is important that all funds raised via UNITED24 go directly to the accounts of the National Bank of Ukraine. These funds support Ukraine, and are assigned between three ministries — Defence, Health and Infrastructure.

More About Our Donors, Who Support UNITED24 Operations

The platform doesn’t take commission to cover our team’s salaries or other expenses. That ensures each donation goes where it was intended, in full.

To support UNITED24 operations, we are looking for individual donors, to whom we are very grateful!

Without further ado, meet Yevhenii Zeifert, philanthropist, one of the largest UNITED24 donors and co-founder of the Everstake blockchain company.  Everstake is a decentralized staking service platform with over 600,000 users.  Yevhenii has been helping us since the first days of U24.

Together with his partners, Yevhenii created Everstake just 5 years ago, turning it into a large business with a turnover of hundreds of millions of dollars.  Thanks to his support, UNITED24 is able to produce a lot of important content that helps raise millions of dollars for Ukraine and keeps the war in the world's focus.


“I’m happy to support both the UNITED24 and UNITED24 Media teams. They provide a measurable, solid results for victory.  I treat this as a multiplier — thanks to incredible projects, we see the increase in donations to support Ukraine."