official website of a government organization of Ukraine.

Total collected: $ 0

Total collected: $ 0


Lithuanian People have Already Raised Money for Three Naval Drones


In an outstanding display of solidarity, Lithuanian people have already raised money for three naval drones. They send greetings to the russian ships; to be precise, Lithuanians convey this by the names of drones.

Lithuanian People have Already Raised Money for Three Naval Drones

In an outstanding display of solidarity, Lithuanian people have already raised money for three naval drones. They send greetings to the russian ships; to be precise, Lithuanians convey this by the names of drones:

⋅Peace Dec
⋅Peace Da
⋅Peace Duke

Ukrainians are extremely grateful for such creative support from the entire Lithuanian people, as well as to Andrius Tapinas for the initiative and wonderful words at the end of the Lithuanian fundraiser: PEACE drones come unnoticed.