Two more bridges were rebuilt in Mykolaiv Oblast thanks to UNITED24 donors.
31.05.2023 · Partnering
Total collected: $ 0
01.06.2023 · Ambassadors
The actor spent the day with the member of the military of the State Special Transport Service and observed the controlled detonation of mines and ordnance left by the russian army.
His guide at the first location was a military man, call sign ‘Akademik’ — Candidate of Biological Sciences. Before the full-scale invasion, he worked as a researcher at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
"I know that the war isn’t your choice. You’re fighting not only for your loved ones, but for the whole world. You’re not only heroes at home, you’re heroes around the world for standing up to tyranny. And you show to the rest of the world that might doesn’t make right. That if you have justice on your side, you will prevail,"
Misha Collins thanked the team, responsible for humanitarian demining of Ukrainian territories.
Actor met with sappers, visited places that require long-term demining and went to the Training Center for Deminers and Divers.
A special meeting took place. Misha introduced the instructor, Senior Lieutenant Vadym Frolov, who lost his leg in December 2022 during the demining of liberated territories in Kherson Oblast. Despite this, Vadym has continued to be active. He continues to teach the younger generation and plans to return to the service immediately after receiving a prosthetic. He says there is a lot of work ahead. The American actor was impressed by how strongly and sincerely other sappers support Vadym.
Help to make the demining proces faster and safer by supporting Misha Collins' fundraiser for demining vehicles.
31.05.2023 · Partnering