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The Flag Signed by the President of Ukraine was Sold for 110,000 Euros
22.02.2023 · Announcements
A UNITED FOR UKRAINE charity evening was held in Milan under the patronage of our Ambassador Andriy Shevchenko.

The event was supported by Giorgio Armani, football players, officials, politicians and public figures.
The outstanding football player brought a flag signed by Volodymyr Zelenskyy from Kyiv. It was auctioned at the end of the evening. The starting bid of 5000 euros was raised very quickly, reaching the mark of 110,000 euros. The flag was purchased by the Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A, as a symbol of their unity in supporting of Ukraine.
In total, 150,000 euros were raised during the evening. All funds will be transferred via UNITED24 for the reconstruction of the stadium in Irpin, which is supported by Shevchenko.
We thank Andriy for this important event, Giorgio Armani for his support and the UNITED ONLUS foundation for the organization.
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