official website of a government organization of Ukraine.

Total collected: $ 0

Total collected: $ 0


Deb Kroll

Deb Kroll

Deb Kroll

United States of America

My name is Deb Kroll. I am 70 years old and I live in Sautee Nacoochee, a mountain area in Georgia, USA. This is not a town or even a village. We have the same postal address for all our residents. But even here we support Ukraine with all our hearts. I am writing this story, sitting in front of my house with two Ukrainian flags — one with a sunflower and the other one with a trident. I am wearing a pendant with a trident and two bracelets, which I have on my wrist every day to show my support for Ukraine.

In the past, I used to be a newspaper reporter and worked for the government as a civil rights investigator.  For the last 25 years, I have been teaching History and Economics in high school. Now I do photography, music, write for two blogs (with followers all over the world) and enjoy spending time with my family.

Deb Kroll

I have been studying all my life. Reading and discovering new things is something I really enjoy, so now I study Ukrainian. Several years ago, I took a DNA test and found out that I have Ukrainian roots. Unfortunately, I have no idea who my ancestors were or if I still have any relatives in Ukraine. But I really love and support Ukraine and Ukrainians.

For many years, I have been interested in the history of Ukraine. It was part of the history courses I taught to my students. I started following the situation in Ukraine as soon as it gained independence back in 1991. I also studied Russian history, so the occupation of Crimea and Russian support for the separatists in Donbas were very disturbing to me.

Deb Kroll

When Russia started the full-scale war, I was terrified, not only for Ukraine, but for the whole Europe. It seems obvious to me that Vladimir Putin is trying to roll back  history and rebuild the Russian Empire. If he succeeded in taking over Ukraine, his troops could launch an offensive against the neighboring European countries and then the United States. It could result in many nations being drawn into a horrible war, the worst since World War II. Therefore, I believe that the whole world should continue to support Ukraine not to let it happen.

Deb Kroll

I have been supporting Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Now I am a UNITED24 donor sending money for various causes every month. For instance, recently I contributed to buying incubators for premature babies. I myself was born prematurely, and doctors told my father I would not survive. Then an incubator saved my life, and I hope that many more Ukrainian lives will be saved thanks to the projects of UNITED24.

Apart from the financial assistance, I talk about my support for Ukraine on my blog, ending each of my posts with “Glory to Ukraine.” In addition to my pendant and bracelets, I also have a hoodie with a trident and I always wear it when the weather is cool. People often ask me about my clothes and jewelry, and I never miss an opportunity to talk about how important it is to help Ukraine now. This is my contribution to making sure that Americans do not forget about this war.

Deb Kroll

Every day I learn Ukrainian and follow international news about the war. Every day I read UNITED24 posts on social media and listen to every speech of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Every day I pray for Ukrainians, heroic soldiers, Ukrainian government, President Zelenskyy and his family. Every day I pray for the United States and European countries to increase their financial and military support for Ukraine, and provide fighter jets. I hope in the near future Ukraine will become a member of the European Union and will join NATO.


Deb Kroll

Among my friends and acquaintances there are no other people who support Ukraine with the same passion as I do, but I will continue to do so until Ukraine wins and recovers from all the consequences of the war.

As a historian, I know that Ukrainians are fighting for the values of freedom and democracy – not only for their own country, but for the whole world. Ukraine must win and will win, and the whole world should support you on this path.
