official website of a government platform of Ukraine.

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Ashley Webb

Ashley Webb

Ashley Webb

United Kingdom

I am 29 years old and have autism spectrum disorder and several other mental disorders, including anxiety. This interferes with a lot of my daily activities, but does not stop me from supporting Ukraine with a passion I never felt before.

Supporting Ukraine has become a part of my life. Every day, I read the news on r/Ukraine on Reddit and on Ukrainian Telegram channels. Every day, I experience an enormous number of emotions, from sadness, anger, and disgust at Russia’s actions, to endless respect and admiration for Ukraine and the brave Ukrainian people.

Ukraine is an example of how a beautiful country and people decided their own destiny and chose the path of good, even under long-term pressure from the Soviet Union. In 2014, you spoke out and started the fight for your rights and freedom. Your fight goes on, and it shows me that humanity is not doomed. Ukraine shows me every day that there is hope, and that we should all fight.

I cannot describe the overwhelming emotions that I feel because of the disasters in Ukraine. I channel them into writing monthly letters to my parliamentary representative in the UK Government. I demand that the UK not reduce aid to Ukraine — military, economic, humanitarian — but only increase it.
When I see posts dedicated to fallen soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, I take the time to remember the faces of each man and woman because I feel indescribable respect for each of them. I cry almost every day, but I still force myself to read about all the atrocities committed by Russia because I believe we must know about this. Especially us as people from countries at peace, since we take our security for granted. I tell my friends and family these stories every day and urge them to support Ukraine with donations or letters to their representatives in the parliament.
Ashley Webb

At the beginning of the war, I hung a blue and yellow flag in my garden along with the Union Jack as a sign of support for Ukraine. And I will not remove it even after Crimea, Donbas and the entire territory of Ukraine are liberated and return within its borders. For me, the Ukrainian flag symbolizes the good and hope, reminding me that even in times of brutality and barbaric war, suffering and destruction, good people can unite and fight for what they believe in. Good people can win, as Ukraine will win this war.

I would like to do more for Ukraine, in particular to join the ranks of the Foreign Legion, but mental health problems prevent me from doing so. So I decided to cancel my subscriptions to services in order to donate more money to Ukrainian charitable foundations, including UNITED24.

Ashley Webb

I started studying Ukrainian history, culture, and language. I consider it my mission to learn as much as possible about your country and to help consolidate this knowledge in the history of humankind about all that Ukrainians have done. One day, I dream of visiting Ukraine, your museums and sights. I dream of coming to Crimea and seeing the Ukrainian flag there. It will be a great honor for me to stand on the soil of a nation for which I feel so much respect and admiration! 

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to the heroes!
