official website of a government platform of Ukraine.

Total collected: $ 0

Total collected: $ 0


Massimilliano Leccese

Massimilliano Leccese

Massimilliano Leccese


Since February 24, 2022, every day I have been following what is happening in your beautiful country with deep regret. All the suffering and all the terrible things happening with you, your homes, your families and loved ones, and too many deaths bring pain to all those who, like me, believe in respect for people and peaceful coexistence.

Massimilliano Leccese

I admire the courage and resistance that the Ukrainian people are showing to the whole world in this unequal battle. I will support you for as long as it takes, even though I realize that my contribution is small.

In addition to my monthly donations to UNITED24, last winter I refused to heat my home. I did not want to contribute to the increase in gas revenues, the money that would then be used to finance this unjust war. Obviously, this is nothing compared to your suffering, but for me it was a sign of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
Massimilliano Leccese

Glory to Ukraine!

Greetings from Italy and Rome
