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Creative director of Balenciaga
July, 2022
“The war in Ukraine has triggered the pain of a past trauma I have carried in me since 1993, when the same thing happened in my home country, and I became a forever refugee. Forever, because that's something that stays in you. The fear, the desperation, the understanding that no one wants you. But I also realized what really matters in life, the most important things, like life itself and human love and compassion,”
wrote the Creative Director of Balenciaga, Demna, in his letter to guests at a runway show on March 6th, 2022.
In July, Demna joined the UNITED24 ambassador team: “I know and feel the pain that the Ukrainians are going through very well. I thought a lot about how I can help Ukraine and all the refugees who want to come back home. That’s why I chose to focus on the humanitarian Rebuild Ukraine Direction and its cause.”
To support Rebuild Ukraine, Balenciaga launched an exclusive line of T-shirts with the blue-yellow flag, trident, and the words “Slava Ukraini!” (Glory to Ukraine!). On the back of the sweatshirt is a massive QR-code, which links to a website where one can make a donation. Thanks to very high sales, Balenciaga has already donated over 500,000 euros via UNITED24. This money will be enough to rebuild two apartment complexes in the town of Irpin, near Kyiv. During the invasion, 70% of Irpin was annihilated by russian forces.